Amazon Web Service- EBS Setup
Step 1 − Create Amazon EBS volume using the following steps.
· Open the Amazon EC2 console.
· Select the region in the navigation bar where the volume is to be created.
· In the navigation pane, select Volumes, then select Create Volume.
· Provide the required information like Volume Type list, Size, IOPS, Availability zone, etc., then click the Create button.
The volume names can be seen in the volumes list.
Step 2 − Store EBS Volume from a snapshot using the following steps.
· Repeat the above 1 to 4 steps to create volume.
· Type snapshot ID in the Snapshot ID field from which the volume is to be restored and select it from the list of suggested options.
· If there is requirement for more storage, change the storage size in the Size field.
· Select the Yes Create button.
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Step 3 − Attach EBS Volume to an Instance using the following steps.
· Open the Amazon EC2 console.
· Select Volumes in the navigation pane. Choose a volume and click the Attach Volume option.
· An Attach Volume dialog box will open. Enter the name/ID of instance to attach the volume in the
Instance field or select it from the list of suggestion options.
· Click the Attach button.
· Connect to instance and make the volume available.
Buy the best book for AWS- AWS Certified Solutions Architect Study Guide- by Ben Piper and David Clinton, Google Cloud Certified – Professional Cloud Architect” by Dan Sullivan
Step 4 − Detach a volume from Instance.
· First, use the command /dev/sdh in cmd to unmount the device.
· Open the Amazon EC2 console.
· In the navigation pane, select the Volumes option.
· Choose a volume and click the Detach Volumes option.
· A confirmation dialog box opens. Click the Yes, Detach button to confirm.